
Friday, February 18, 2011

Doppelganger Dresses, Part 24: Scarlett's 'Lost' Saratoga Dress

Today, the Doppelganger Dresses series takes a look at one of Walter Plunkett's costume designs that didn't make the final cut of Gone with the Wind. Known as the Saratoga dress, the costume was conceived for a scene featuring Scarlett traveling to or from the northern watering hole (a odd plot, to be sure, given how little mention there is of Saratoga in the novel). 

Personally I consider it a shame that the Saratoga dress didn't end up in Gone with the Wind. It's a rather pretty and whimsical dress, one that seems very much in keeping with Scarlett's style from her Mrs. Butler years. Wouldn't it have made a nice addition to the honeymoon sequence, for instance?  

But, alas, the Saratoga dress was destined to be 'lost' from the final film reel of GWTW. Fortunately though, we have at least found its historical precedence. You'll find our period inspiration on the other side of the jump. What do you think of the fashion plate? And would you liked to have seen the Saratoga dress featured in GWTW yourself? 

Dress with jacket bodice and square-print skirt, circa 1850s. Le Moniteur de la Mode.

Sketch by Walter Plunkett of Scarlett's unused "Saratoga" costume for Gone with the Wind.

A doll version of Scarlett in the Saratoga dress. Image from Tonner Dolls