
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Gone with the Wind: In Word Clouds

Here's a silly little something that we put together and thought you might enjoy: Gone with the Wind as depicted in word clouds. We've broken the novel down in five charts, each one corresponding to five formal parts of MM's novel and representing the most frequently used words in that section of the book. Check it out: 

Part One 
(Beginning of novel through Scarlett's move to Atlanta)

Part Two
(The early Atlanta war years through spring 1864)

Part Three
(The Atlanta campaign and siege through Ashley's return to Tara)

Part Four 
(The Kennedy era through Scarlett's wedding to Rhett)

Part Five 
(Rhett and Scarlett's honeymoon through the end of the book)

So what do you think? To me at least, it's both very cool and sad to the the progression away from "Scarlett, Scarlett, Scarlett, Scarlett" as the most prominent words in the first four parts, to "Scarlett" and "Rhett" as words of equal prominence in the last part. A visual reminder that our heroine did eventually catch on, but much too late...