
Saturday, August 28, 2010

Rue de la Paix

It's Rue times two today. Why? Well, the two collages below actually tie into two themes of ours this week. The first is Honeymoon Week. And, in honor of Honeymoon Week, I decided to play around on polyvore and create not one, but two Rhett and Scarlett honeymoon-themed collages for you.

What's the second theme these collages embraces? Why, none other than procrastination of course! For while I have several other more pressing GWTW things I should be working on, I of course decided to work on something rather lighthearted instead. Oh well. I hope you enjoy! 


  1. I marvel at those of you who can do things like this. I always look to the Rue de la Paix segments.

    These two entries are a bit sweet for my taste, but I've got the hardbitten/tragic/nasty elements of their marriage on my mind lately for what I'm working on, and I've been rereading passages from the book to get me in the dark sort of mood.

  2. bluesneak- Aww, I'm glad you enjoy the Rue de la Paix features. It's a fun one and one of my favorites too. I also am impressed at some of the things ppl can do with this- especially because my own efforts with it have been limited and, I fear, deeply mocked by certain parties that shall remain nameless. :)


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